I had an incident at work yesterday that made me so mad, by the time I got off the phone I was literally shaking. I know I have felt this indignant at other times in my life, but it's been so long I honestly can't remember the last time I've been so angry. Once the adrenaline wore off, I was exhausted. And it was only noon.
That morning I had packed all my gym stuff planning to work out on my way home. But when it came time to leave I was looking for any excuse not to go. I was pooped. So I made a bet with the elevator. If we stopped twice on the way down from the 11th floor then I would go to the gym. It didn't even stop once. It was a message from above. I totally played work-out hooky.
That evening I had a few phone calls to catch up on, one to my dad and one to a friend of a friend who works as a speech language pathologist in the area. I was so drained I could barely be sociable with my roommate, let alone try to make a good first impression with a stranger on the telephone. There was only one solution to my conundrum.
So I put on some Sigur Rós, plugged in the white Christmas lights strung across my ceiling and unrolled my mat. It had been weeks since I'd done any yoga, but it never fails to make me feel better. After an hour of zoning out, stretching and quietening my racing thoughts, I was good as new. I felt as physically different as you do walking out of the chiropractor's office. I was readjusted, realigned and back on track.
My conversation with the SLP went very well. So well in fact I will be shadowing her for a day in May. So exciting.