Saturday, December 27, 2008

Simple gifts

I am an only child with four parents. So, basically that means, I love Christmas.

This is the time of year to get sappy, so I'm going to do it up right. If you don't have the stomach for gushy, I suggest you stop reading now. 

Yes, I get showered with presents, and I'm not gonna lie, that's pretty sweet. But so much more importantly than that, because I have four families, I am surrounded by a lot of love, and it makes me feel little-girl-special (I just made that overly-hyphenated word up, but I trust you get the picture). Yes, there's a lot of stress, a ton of craziness, even a short temper or two, but, also a lot of love. 

I would like to say that I am grateful. I am so grateful for so many things. You know that trick of counting your blessings as you fall asleep? Yeah, I actually do that, and I've never run out. I won't enumerate them here, cause that might get tedious for you, but I just want to point out that I am acutely aware of how fortunate I am, and it inspires me to work harder to be a better person. 

I am poised on the brink of a new chapter in my life - a big one, some might even say THE one. I am excited, and nervous, apprehensive, curious and a hundred other adjectives, but I am also ready. I am prepared for this; I know I'll be able to handle it. And the reason that I am now in this tremendous position is due in very large part to my incredible support network. 

Yes I have worked hard to get here, but where did that work-ethic come from I wonder? That's right, by the positive and thoughtfully crafted examples of my families and friends. I owe so much to you all, and you make me smile! I know some of you are far away, some of you don't even know I have a blog, but I feel the need to just put this out there, to know that it's bouncing around cyberspace. Articulating my gratitude this way makes it that much more tangible and sincere. So, in the simplest of words, thank you, merci beaucoup and grazie mille.


Anonymous said...

aw tear. :(

Cara Mia said...

It's supposed to be a happy tear!!! :)

Baileywyck said...

siete benvenuto, cara. tutto รจ bene.