Sunday, March 28, 2010

Out like a lamb. Not so much.

What is it about a late March snow storm that has such an impact on one's outlook for the day? Well, really that's not a hard question. The first teasings of spring have gotten your hopes up. Perhaps you've enjoyed a couple warm sunny days; a picnic in the park, noticed the first leaf buds on the lilac bushes outside your apartment. Humans are hopeful creatures at heart. We are naturally inclined to believe that once things start looking up, they will only get better.

No, on second thought, that is far too broad a generalization. Optimists are far more likely to have such an outlook. I guess pessimists save themselves a fair bit of disappointment by not leaping to conclusions that the world is bound to pick itself up off its feet any day now. When a pessimist wakes up to a snowy morning on March 26th after a beautiful day in the 60's, does this really have any impact on her mood or perspective on life in general? I would suppose not. I presume the thought process on looking out the window would go something like this, "Ah, well. It figures."

For me, firmly couched on the optimistic side of the fence, finding a morning full of windy wet snow is more like, "Dammit, dammit!" But then I remember that it's Friday, and things are looking up again.

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