Sunday, June 8, 2008

Good thing I got here early!

Ciao tutti,
So we found out today that the train station at Ventimiglia that I connected through yesterday is actually closed today because they found a bomb from WWII (not a recent one - don't freak out!) but needed to deactivate it. Not too sure I believe that story, but thats what one girl told me. Anyway, apparently many people have been waylaid because of it. Of the 70 some that are supposed to be here for orientation, only like 25 have made it.

Instead of stressing out about travel and luggage and making it on time, my new friends and I spent the day strolling around, sampling local cuisine (the coffee is aaaaamaaaazing) and laying in beach chairs by the Mediterranean. I feel like Im on vacation all over again! But im sure that feeling will be all gone by tomorrow! Orientation starts at 9 and its a half hour walk from Villa Maria (our hotel).

Im the only one of our group that knows any Italian, and im more than a little surprised to find that its serving us well and i can communicate more often than not. Its probably not pretty, but its effective. Everyone is really nice about it, and they even let me try instead of switching to English (they dont let my friends try though, hahaha) So far so good!! Were off to meet the other tutors that have arrived so far at a local bar - im wearing my new dress Mom, and looking very European.

Glad to hear everything is going well across the pond!
Talk to you soon

PS no luck with the cell phone yet (hopefully because its sunday) Ill stop by the cell phone place tomorrow if theres still nothing. Oh and i cant really open attachments because i dont have my own personal computer.

PPS only 2 declarations of love so far, hahaha

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