Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A note on sexism

The beauty of blogging is that you can rant to your heart's content. No one can interrupt. No one can "just play devil's advocate". That said, you probably know where this is headed, but I will try to keep this reasonable. I am not a man-hater. I have a very fond appreciation for men who cultivate a balance of gentlemanly good manners and respect for women. I know that it's a charged environment in this day and age, with a plethora of double standards and trick questions. A compliment to one woman is an insult to another. My sympathies to you guys attempting to navigate these perilous waters, and big props to those of you who manage it successfully more often than not. It can't be easy.

Unfortunately there are some guys who fail miserably at this. Case in point: on my way to work this morning I was following a beautifully slender-legged woman (she was in front of me so I couldn't see her face) wearing a peacoat, skinny jeans and ankle boots, a perfectly acceptable, if casual, corporate outfit. Coming towards us, this overly buff, overly tanned 30 something guy passes her, and turns to watch her in the most obvious example of an ogle that I have seen this side of the Mediterranean. You could see on his face that he mentally grabbed her backside as she walked by. Ok, yes, so I'm reading between the lines, but if you were there, you would agree with me. This incident, repulsive as it was, was not what sparked this tirade.

My arrival at work coincided with the arrival of a coworker of mine, Zach, and we rode up in the elevator together. Conversing with this guy is a struggle for me. He's very sarcastic (and if you know me, my acknowledgment of that is saying something) and puts a spin on everything. It's exhausting trying to make small talk. As we were getting off, he looks down and notices that I'm wearing boots. These are not sexy boots. These are gritty, salt-stained, hard-worn boots. He says to me, "So I guess you don't know yet, do you?" I had no idea what he was talking about. He told me to find out from the other girls in my office. After we parted ways in the office, I asked the girls in my department what he could possibly be referring to.

Apparently none of the young women wear boots to the office because Zach will make suggestive comments. Apparently he has a thing for boots. Let me rephrase this revelation: Women in my workplace choose not to wear boots to work because a male co-worker makes them uncomfortable if they do. Excuse me? Is anyone else as flabbergasted as I am, or should I just attribute this to the inevitable disillusionment following my post-collegiate idealistic phase? 

I understand that thigh-high patent leather boots paired with a mini-skirt might lead to some comments being made. But I have a pretty good grasp of what work-place attire is appropriate, and I am going to wear boots if I so choose. Zach be damned. And you'd better believe I won't be putting up with any bullshit.


OhHeyWhatIsUp. said...

awesome. i support you completely. you wear those boots and if he gives you any comments about them, you give him a piece of your mind (and his superior, too!)
that's definitely unacceptable from him, and he should be made ashamed of it...

Farnnay said...

good for you!

this guy is weird. i think everyone should file a sexual harassment lawsuit against him.

Jaxie Fantastic said...

if he made any rude comments i'd tell him i was gonna shove my amazing boots right up where the sun don't shine.

of course that would only teach him if i actually followed through on the threat, and i wouldn't want to waste perfectly good boots on his dumb butt... but it'd still be fun to say.