Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bring it on, Bean-town!

So, I have been in Boston for a little more than a week, and I have already enjoyed more of a social life than I've had in the past 4 months lounging at home. Thursday was drinks and a Bruins game with the work gang. I'm really enjoying the people in my department, so that's really encouraging. Saturday was an impromptu jam session (Bach style) with my piano-playing upstairs neighbor. Then that evening I went to a birthday party in Cambridge, flying solo. I've never done that, and I was nervous to go without a back-up crew. I was very pleasantly surprised to find that in a way it makes mingling easier, and the group that was there was totally inclusive and friendly. Success! So basically, I am just so thrilled to be here, starting my life for real this time. Maybe being and adult is gonna be better than advertised...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bruins. Pfth.

I miss you, and it's cool that everything is working out for you, roommate! I am in search of employment in North America, and hopefully I will find something soon, because I am desperately hoping to come back. You should go on Skype some time because I miss talking to you.