Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Coffee Buzz

I recently returned from the summer of my life traveling and working in Italy. While this experience was life changing in countless ways, one of the most obvious impacts it had on me was to convert me into an espresso lover. As a present, one of the host families I was living with gave me a Bialetti stove-top espresso maker, and I now put it to good use every morning.

I enjoy the little buzz running through my veins that allows me to type this so speedily - if not entirely accurately. But what is the point really? As a recent grad, I have yet to find full-time employment. I don't actually NEED to be awake and alert in the morning. In theory I can lounge around all day in my jammies watching movies and hiding from the light of day. But this is not what I choose to do with my time, even though its a perfectly valid option at the moment. 

My espresso buzz gets me dressed, presentable, and ready to face the world, even if I don't make it past the end of my driveway. It's a reason to keep a good head on my shoulders and reminds me that some day soon, I'm going to need it for more than just a reason to get out of bed. 

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